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Fake Snow

Fake Snow



1 cup baking soda

Shaving cream


In a mixing bowl, combine 1 cup of baking soda with shaving cream.

Start with a small amount of shaving cream and gradually add more until you reach a dough-like consistency.

Knead the mixture with your hands until it forms a smooth clay-like texture.

If the mixture is too dry, add more shaving cream. 

If it's too wet, add more baking soda.Once you have the desired consistency, you can use the clay to mold shapes or sculptures.

Let your creations air dry for 24-48 hours, depending on their size and thickness.(optional) 

Once dry, your clay creations will be ready to paint or decorate however you like!

Enjoy your fun and versatile homemade clay made from baking soda and shaving cream!


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